Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let The Rain Fall

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

your presence is at first unknown
the tiny trickles you leave are not yet noticed
they havent added up to be something more...not yet...

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

and suddenly, you've become stronger!
as if somewhere along the way you've been cued.
you've come out at my weakest moment.

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

and now! now there's a raging wind amiss!
the heavens have opened up and they're releasing their anger!
the earth's quaking and i begin to fear...

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

and as suddenly as you've reared, you're gone...
there's no further trace of you whatsoever, as though you've vanished...
that is. except for the scars left behind...scars only seen if you look close enough...

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

i'm left shaking! comfort is thought to be never found...
and now that i know your presence, i feel it everywhere!
here and there...distress is always at hand....

dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!

relieve! the rain is now washing away the unease,
and a halo of succor has surrounded me.
the storm is over...for now...

inspired by the unexpected and short lasting rain...

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