Some people really don't know their affect on people smfh...sometimes parentals r the worst... -Melanie Otto
so your glad you're safe. the thought of loosing you was horrible. even now as i think about it tears are brought to my eyes. but it still doesnt change the fact that im constantly upset with you around. every action is judged...there isnt a moment a peace. you always find fault in everything i do. u never fail to inform me of how disappointed you are in me...of im constantly falling far below your expectations.
but this question...have you ever considered how i feel? how do i think i feel when im constantly being compared to others, when im constantly being criticized, when im constantly being belittled...
my dear half-siblings...if you only knew the effect your actions now have on my life. and now back to you really think imma end up like them? wholetimee we are completely different people living completely different lives.
so im the oldest...but im really not (look above). im supposedly supposed to set the standard...yet one has already been set. how do you ever plan on me succeeding with all these ongoing contraditions?
or maybe thats dont plan on it. you're setting me up for failure by setting such high expectations. i would say that its a good that if i dont succeed i still havent failed...
but these expectations are unknown to me! what do you want from me?
i believe that another approach should be taken. your hateful glares, the fear felt inside at all times, the sad after effect...
you dont understand the affect you have on my life. positive: i always aim high, to others i do great. negative: im never happy...never satisfied
they dont balance out! though it may not seem like it the negative isgreater .
i wonder if you'll ever see...what will your reaction be? bet! you'll be angry as usual, smh
why wont you listen to me!!! every time i try to converse...try to explain im SILENCE!!
LOOK AT WHAT YOU"RE DOING TO ME!!! you're gradually breaking me down. life is becoming unbearable...unlivable...

inhale, exhale, sigh...
and as i end this i am least for awhile. that is...until....i....pop....

but this question...have you ever considered how i feel? how do i think i feel when im constantly being compared to others, when im constantly being criticized, when im constantly being belittled...
my dear half-siblings...if you only knew the effect your actions now have on my life. and now back to you really think imma end up like them? wholetimee we are completely different people living completely different lives.
so im the oldest...but im really not (look above). im supposedly supposed to set the standard...yet one has already been set. how do you ever plan on me succeeding with all these ongoing contraditions?
or maybe thats dont plan on it. you're setting me up for failure by setting such high expectations. i would say that its a good that if i dont succeed i still havent failed...
but these expectations are unknown to me! what do you want from me?
i believe that another approach should be taken. your hateful glares, the fear felt inside at all times, the sad after effect...
you dont understand the affect you have on my life. positive: i always aim high, to others i do great. negative: im never happy...never satisfied
they dont balance out! though it may not seem like it the negative is
i wonder if you'll ever see...what will your reaction be? bet! you'll be angry as usual, smh
why wont you listen to me!!! every time i try to converse...try to explain im SILENCE!!
LOOK AT WHAT YOU"RE DOING TO ME!!! you're gradually breaking me down. life is becoming unbearable...unlivable...
inhale, exhale, sigh...
and as i end this i am least for awhile. that is...until....i....pop....