Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?
TV...i really dont watch television like that
Monday, June 21, 2010
hallooo. what's your favourite music ?
whatever sounds right to me or whatever lyrics reach out to me...i dont have a favorite genre or anything. but i guess i would have to choose R&B and Neosoul.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Don't Quit (Unknown)
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse, that you must not quit.
Footprints - Larry Prellop
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Let The Rain Fall
dribble dribble drop!
your presence is at first unknown
the tiny trickles you leave are not yet noticed
they havent added up to be something more...not yet...
dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!
and suddenly, you've become stronger!
as if somewhere along the way you've been cued.
you've come out at my weakest moment.
dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!
and now! now there's a raging wind amiss!
the heavens have opened up and they're releasing their anger!
the earth's quaking and i begin to fear...
dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!
and as suddenly as you've reared, you're gone...
there's no further trace of you whatsoever, as though you've vanished...
that is. except for the scars left behind...scars only seen if you look close enough...
dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!
i'm left shaking! comfort is thought to be never found...
and now that i know your presence, i feel it everywhere!
here and there...distress is always at hand....
dribble dribble drop!
dribble dribble drop!
relieve! the rain is now washing away the unease,
and a halo of succor has surrounded me.
the storm is over...for now...
inspired by the unexpected and short lasting rain...
Aye! Get Hip To Fossil!
my vintage inspiration. lol i hope to work here one day (dead serious!)
for now here are some of my favorite looks:
I Create!!

its that time of year again....TIME TO RAID THE CLOSETS!!!
me and my scissors...we have A LOT of work to do. and to my sewing machine is broken = \
time to bring out those old clothes and those oversized tshirts that know no longer looks at. those items in storage that are collecting dust in the basement. those ugly shirts that mother bought and to her dismay are never worn. those paint and ketchup stained material that seem to of no use now.
but nothing is ever as it seems...
that plain yellow shirt can be customized
that oversized blazer can be used to accessorize
those messed up pair of jeans can be cut and converted
the things a simple chain can do! some colors and some buttons...the possibilities are endless!
with a needle and a thread...i begin!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Chrisette Michele: Thanks For My Ephinany
currently listening to chrisette michele. i absolutely love her ♥ !!!
her voice is so unique and its just beautiful...its great, i love it, point blank! lol
my poor sister...she so misunderstood. her restless soul just needs a place to stay...but hey! she will be o.k.! (Chrisette Michele - Be O.K.)
as a matter of facvt, she is okay...just highly annoying at the moment. her problems will heal by God's grace. she wont be this way forever...hopefully =\
so...i was recently told the only person i should be loving is edward...
honestly, i dont think i love him yet. and its our relationship continues this way...i probably wont
idk if im ready yet for a golden love (Chrisette Michele - Golden)
i really do believe that i loved patrick...but now that i think about it...i think i just really appreciated him for setting such a great basis for my future (except for, of course, a few events)
...scratch that. i did love patrick but i dont think i was ever really in love with him. and i do love edward. but im not in love with him...not yet anyway.
i guess that depends on the future and the actions that are gonna be taken. maybe by the things he does for us or something...maybe then i'll realize my actual feeling. (Chrisette Michele - What You Do)
(at this moment i came up with my title for my blog. i realized that with each song change i had another thought pop into my head.)
so this particular song "All I Ever Think About". this is simply beautiful! i believe its my favorite by her. but as i really sit here and think...i doubt it has no relation to my life currently.
and i find it outlandish because all the songs that i choose as current favorites ALWAYS have some relation to me...guess i have to think harder than...
"And I guess I never really ever loved no one (all I ever think about is you) from the rising of the moon till the setting of the sun (it's overwhelming and im feeling so confused) im really scared lying here about to fall (cuz all I ever think about is) tryna get back yeah I wanna get back to you (cuz all I ever think about is you)"
....i dislike where im going with this... guessing that i was in love with patrick...possibly still am...
or maybe, its just that my love will continue for him til i fall for another.
but the thing is...i really dont think....sigh...this is exactly it!
but i know i wont get back with you...ive cut all hopes of that loose already. and maybe that why its so hard. cause ive realized that even if i wanna go back...hes already gone...(Chrisette Michele - All I Ever Think About...bout to be on repeat for awhile...)
hes bout to graduate (a senior). it saddens me that i dont even know where hes going... think im completely removing possibly one of the best things thats ever happened to me from my life...
but....smh all these buts! why cant i stop being indecisive for once and just decide on something and have complete faith in that decision?!!
because life doesnt work like that....
(at this moment i changed my title from "Chrisette Michele: Let's Relate To My Life...")
ive moved on...i know i have...i just need to stop doubting my decisions...thats it!
all doubts are gonna end soon because the final point is coming soon... unexpected this realization was...guess i did have a need to vent. i like how my thought process is recorded and in sync with my playlist. and through it all...i'll grow better, make better decisions...
and in the end? i will still be okay [= just like my sister.... ♥

Point of View: A Poem
It surprising....
The unpredictable sequence of events
Events...that seem to have nothing to do with each other
How they are linked together to give us new emotions
To give us clarification...
A tragedy...
And now, we have come together.
United, we are standing.
Offering comfort...words of encouragement
Helping with our emotional journey of realization
Now take another look...
This horrible happening has brought something greater!
Observe, as we reach out to ones
We never would have before.
Behold, this miracle of a greater future
Happening before our very own eyes.
We are bringing out the best of others.
Sorrow may fill our hearts now...
And nothing else is presumed.
But if you look from another's point of view
You'll see the wonders materializing.
The brightness of our future is blinding!
Small steps...ineffective they seem now.
But watch!
These small steps will become leaps...
And as we watch the world
From a different point of view,
We realize that're gone.
But life will go on...
Your life will be celebrated
By those who love you.
Our tears will eventually fade
The sadness will change to appreciation.
Answers left unanswered will lose importance.
And the great omission in life that is solitude
Will cover us all and leave us whole again.
It all depends on how you look at it...
It all depends on your point of view.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Last Day For My Seniors
But honestly, I doing much better than tears as of yet.
But bestfriend, secret lover, poetic protege, wise Grandmother Willow, Gayla...just to name a few....
But I mean...they have to move on...its there time now to leave behind high school and all those in it and go on to college to continue the circle of life. My time will come later...
Life goes on...but school will really be boring now without them.
But HEY! On a brighter note, Imma be a junior next year!!!! [= LOL
No more HSAs...more challenging beginnings? BRING IT!
I realize that I really don't feel any sorrow...just appreciation for there impact on my life.
I wish them all the best in life and I know that if our friendships were meant to last then we'll see eachother again later in life.
Some friends come for a reason...others for just a season...
And on that note, I bid you all adieu...and good luck [ ' =
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Unlivable Expectations...
Some people really don't know their affect on people smfh...sometimes parentals r the worst... -Melanie Otto
but this question...have you ever considered how i feel? how do i think i feel when im constantly being compared to others, when im constantly being criticized, when im constantly being belittled...
my dear half-siblings...if you only knew the effect your actions now have on my life. and now back to you really think imma end up like them? wholetimee we are completely different people living completely different lives.
so im the oldest...but im really not (look above). im supposedly supposed to set the standard...yet one has already been set. how do you ever plan on me succeeding with all these ongoing contraditions?
or maybe thats dont plan on it. you're setting me up for failure by setting such high expectations. i would say that its a good that if i dont succeed i still havent failed...
but these expectations are unknown to me! what do you want from me?
i believe that another approach should be taken. your hateful glares, the fear felt inside at all times, the sad after effect...
you dont understand the affect you have on my life. positive: i always aim high, to others i do great. negative: im never happy...never satisfied
they dont balance out! though it may not seem like it the negative is
i wonder if you'll ever see...what will your reaction be? bet! you'll be angry as usual, smh
why wont you listen to me!!! every time i try to converse...try to explain im SILENCE!!
LOOK AT WHAT YOU"RE DOING TO ME!!! you're gradually breaking me down. life is becoming unbearable...unlivable...
inhale, exhale, sigh...
and as i end this i am least for awhile. that is...until....i....pop....
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Sad Results of One Event...
I im messing things up. or maybe im just really worried because over this break things have gotten better. they've been really great. multiple conversations a day, plans being made, a development de amor ♥ but this one day has brought me such resentment, sadness, anger, and unhappiness. we didnt talk today...and i feel kinda off...kinda...incomplete? ugh! and to think its because of this person...this person who for the longest has been faking...this person who annoys the hell outta me but at the same i love them. plus, the sense of possibility...all the possible events that couldve happened today are now unknown....welcome to the world of what if yet again crystal...all of this because of one decision that was outta my hands. i had no control over it whatsoever.
our ups and downs are held dear and near...hopefully this one occurrence doesnt change things. i dont want you to be mad. i dont want for you to not speak to me.
but at the same scared. i was really upset...and you didnt help...
instead you let your frustration get the best of you...which is why im here now.
i tried to fix didnt grab fell and shattered to pieces. however, i couldve done better...tried harder...
but i guess i'll just continue on...we'll just continue on? "Mending Will Occur In Time, But Til Then Patience Must Be Set Forth, Until Then The Journey Continues..."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
random realization (not recent)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Lyric Interpretation: Colors of the Wind

Pocahontas - Colors Of The Wind Lyrics
You think I'm an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know ...
You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind
To me, this song is basically about how ignorant many can be.
Its about realizing that there's more to something than its first appearance.
The cliche "Don't judge a book by its cover" can be claimed as the overall theme.
Everything and everyone has a special purpose and by finding it,
we embrace the circle of life and become one with each other.
Everyone has a talent or special gift. Own it! Don't stop until you succeed,
until you're the best you you can be!
Also, I believe its saying that you shouldnt judge, especially if you dont know everything
there is to know about everything. That you shouldnt interfere with others success.
Because by doing so, not only will you ruin'll also ruin yourself.
This song inspires me to rethink my thoughts and actions. By looking deeper,
you'll see that there is so much more to see and much more to understand...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Life-Movie Relation. Part 1: Pocahontas

i would like to think of myself as this main character...being brave, having courage, having unknown wisdom. the few who really know me have agreed.
in this movie pocahontas experiences adventure, love, and foreign concepts. she learns more about her path of life and how to stand up for herself. well i would like to do the same.
so starting now, imma gonna be the best me i can be (seriously!) im gonna find out exactly what i like and dont like and exactly what my beliefs and values are. im gonna develop my relationship with the Lord and im gonna find out what my path is. starting now...imma stay true to me!
who inspirez yhu 2 take yhur pikturez
no one i just like taking pictures. plus, i usually take a picture after i finish writing something...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
To My Favorite Designer...
I look upon with disdain!
Your excuses are lame,
Your decisions are to blame
And your actions have led to unnecessary pain...
My dear friend, you are loved!
Stop your flow of tears for
An individual worthy of your greatness.
Your indulgence in chocolate pleasure
Will not change the fact that he is fake,
That he's not committed,
That he's no longer yours...
Loved one, lift your head up!
Disregard spreading rumors and
Let that heart of yours heal.
You claim to love him,
And you probably do...
But please know that "I love you" is just:
8 letters
3 words
1 overused phrase...a cliche.
For every girl with a broken heart,
There's a guy waiting with a glue gun.
Right now, it may seem hard to move on...
But nothing is impossible!
Take that leap of faith,
Conquer your fears, and "live a little".
Smile love and "always remember to laugh".
Wipe those teardrops off of your machine.
You thought forever and always,
But that is now once upon a time.
Yesterday's fairytale is over.
But never fret! You will love again...
Life has its bittersweet moments.
Remember everything happens for a reason.
You are incredible and amazing,
And I Love You dearly. ♥
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
why do you have the bestest musical taste ever?
lol thanks (= i do try
and just music that speaks to me
"Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret."
i like that. quote of the day.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Bestfriend, I Appreciate You
we talk about everything
i dont feel the need to hide anything from you
you accept me for me
and for that i appreciate you.
my bestfriend.
you get me...
by just sharing a look we communicate
you always know when something is bothering me
and for that i appreciate you.
my bestfriend.
you like me even though im just about the weirdest person ever
we spend hours on the phone talking about nothing
u lift me up in my times of need
and for that i appreciate you.
melanie otto, thanks for being my bestfriend ♥
Why Are You Faking?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Contemplation of the Broken Hearted
Judging From Afar
Contemplating The Next Move
Desire...Passionate Longing
But Is It Noticed
No, The Prey Acts As A Predator
Eyes Are Set On Another Prize
Rejection...The Bittersweet Pain
Told To Move On...Is It Possible
Told To move On...Why
Why Not Cherish This
Is It Because It Wasn't Real
Or That It Wasn't Meant To Be
Because If So, A Care Is Not Given
This In Fact Was Factual
Knowledge Was Gained
Appreciation Is Given
But Alas, Good Bye Will Be Said
Prying Foes, Though Annoying, Were Precise
Mending Will Occur In Time
But Til Then Patience Must Be Set Forth
Until Then The Journey Continues...
I'm So Cold (Freestyle To I'm So Hood)
Yeah, I Wear This Scarf Around My Face,
And Im Not About To Leave This Place
'Cause This Snow Outside Is A Disgrace
Im So Cold!
And Im Bout To Head Down To That South
Where I Dont Gotta Button Up This Blouse
Yup, Yall Know What Im Talking Bout
I Am So Cold!!!
And If You Feel Me Put Your Hands Up (COLD!)
If You're Stuck Inside...Please Stand Up (COLD!)
And If You're Outside Then You Can Walk It Out
And You're Not Cold,
If You Dont Know What Im Talking Bout
I-I-I-Im So COLD!!!
Formspring (Favorite Questions)
What's the secret to happiness?
If it was a simple secret that created happiness then there wouldn't be any sorrow and misery in the world now would there?
I feel like you're a completely different person than what you I right? Or maybe not a completely different person but it's like you're hiding...not being completely you.
you're kinda must be really observant because hardly anyone notices that. and its not that im hiding exactly...its more that i just dont share everything and im not as open as others... mind enlightening me with your identity?
Well if that's the case dear then what's your definition or a best friend & give me an example TWIN!! :p by MelanieFalls
well i guess the person ur referring to can be considered a best friend if it wasnt for the attraction. i think ur best friend is someone who u can tell anything to and someone who u no will be real to u. but u have no feelings for them other then "you're like family to me". i think that u and ur person could actually have a good relationship as long as yall dont let other interfere
Do you believe that 'best friends' would be good in a relationship? by MelanieFalls
i think it depends on how long u've been "best friends". the relationship may be to friendly and the lack of attraction may ruin things. at the same time, the comfort may be valued and it could last. but, u also need to really think about whether yall are "best friends" or not
How would you describe your first love and why? and how did it end? by MelanieFalls
i guess i would describe it as comfortable. it was like over time we became best friends. thats part of the reason we broke up. plus, he moved to georgia and long distance just doesnt work
do u think u look good naked?
ur a prime example of the stereotypical ignorance placed on black people (unless ur white then this wud be very awkward and u shud disregard this comment)
I love you? (It's a stetment, with a question mark. lol) by HarMoney
lol i love u too twin ♥
Unwritten (part two)
my moment of clarity was taken from me.
or maybe...
maybe i need to start a-fresh...a-new
(double meaning)
i wish you understood...
but i cant do it! i just cant!
and its all because of YOU
but who are u exactly
why have u caused me so much trouble
i feel like im nice to everyone
like im constantly working to make everyone happy
i could be mad at you and you wouldnt know
i could hate u oh-so-much and u wouldnt know either
because i dont let you
and i dont no why
does that make me fake?
the true meaning of this...
if u found out would be still b friends
if u found out then i think u would rlly no me
but my supposed bestfriends dont no me
and i dont blame you...i dont let u
or do they?
am i underestimating u?
constantly worrying?
am i insecure?
constantly questioning myself?
do i lack the confidence i once thought i had?
tell me something...have you ever seen me cry?
and not for someone else but for me?
i dont think i've ever done that...
cried outta anger, cried outta pain
for myself
what does this truly mean?
some might say this is rlly deep..but is it rlly?
the me i keep hidden...why do i do that?
someone once asked how could anyone not love me
why this is bother me so much
bestfriend where are u?!
i rlly think im brain is screwed up
i laugh when i rlly want to scream
i smile when i rlly want to cry
happy moments...why cant u last long?!
why is my joy always taken away?
what is wrong with me?
why am i not content with wat i have?
i long for YOU...why deny me?
you...this person who i should vent to...
even now...i feel but i dont
my inspiration...once told me not to define myself...its not needed
im confused...
It didnt moment of clarity hasnt come.
but i can wait...but in fear
i fear your opinion, your reactions, your whispers
what was once unwritten is shared with the world
omg...i have done it!
i've given you a part of me
please dont ruin it...please